Swiftstrike's Pokemon Center
Gotts Catch'em All
Hi, this is Swiftstrike's Pokemon Center, I hope you have a good time and lern allot about Pokemon. At the moment, this site is under construction, so it mighnt not be at it's best. But anyway, Enjoy
Under the skirt of a girl??
This is the lyrics for the Japanise Pokemon themem tune and it SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS

Japanese Pok�mon Series Theme
(Got a Pok�mon!)
I'll go through flames,floods, weeds, forests,
The soil, clouds, and under the skirt of the girl (Scream!)
And through here, through there.. And through here, through there..
A long, long road to go..
To get pocket monsters....
Good-by, my home....
I'm starting with the cute guy (Pikachu!)
Win and win with a trained ability,
Go to a new town with new friends
Success is not guaranteed
(A matter of course)
What's the matter?
You, monsters, always go all out
I'll go through flames, flood, weeds, forests
The soil, clouds, and under the skirt of the girl (Forget it!)
And through here, through there
And through here, through there
A long, long road to go
To get pocket monsters
Tired, I say good night
I Close my eyes and am reminded (Pikachu?)
That through fanned flames and a storm,
Hearing you, monsters,
I battled.
Old days they said Yesterday's enemy is today's ally
But today's ally is an aeon ally,
I wanna be a great pocket-monster trainer!..
..I should be!
I heard someone telling the dreams come true with the sound of music,
...A bud would bloom..
...I would see my dream be true.....
A very seroisly disturbed person wrote this.
Hey, this bit is about VR Pikachu (not the N64 one)
First they came out with Tamagotchis. The world went nuts. Then the people at Nintendo sat down and said, "Hmm, why not combine the two crazes together?" That's maybe not how it happened, but the result was a lovable electronic pet called Pocket Pikachu, where you can raise and nurture the world-famous Pikachu by walking around and generating watts that he can use as food.Wait, there's more! Pocket Pikachu will be coming out in North America as "Pok�mon Pikachu" sometime in November, so people young and old won't have to fight with the Japanese characters to understand whether Pikachu is happy or peeved.For those of you who don't know an ounce of Japanese and who want to know what the heck's written on the screen, here's a brief tutorial on how the unit worksTo start with, you're going to want to read the instructions that came with the unit, to get an idea of what not to do with it. Then, take out the tag that's sticking out near the reset hole; you'll see a Poke-ball. Press the "A" button to let Pikachu out!Pikachu will start off in a "normal" mood (this can be a bad thing if you happen to be Satoshi (Ash) and this is your first encounter with him ^_^;). Pikachu has several degrees of happiness that you should know about:Here's a description of what each button does:"A" button: This button lets you select options and confirm them."B" button: This button lets you cancel an option or to get out of menus and such."Start" button: By pressing this button, you can go into the options screen and choose preferences and such. Here are your options in this screen:Note that resetting the step counter will only reset the counter on the main screen to 0; to reset the total counter, you'll have to either insert the tab that came with the unit back into the slit then remove it again, or insert something long, thin but not too sharp into the hole in the front of the unit to reset it."Select" button: This is to see the total steps you've taken, along with the current mood of your Pikachu.Directional pad: Use this to move between the options in the Start menu. It's also used on the main screen to choose between the three possible icons. In order, they are:Check time Give a watt present to Pikachu Play slots The first two options are simple. You can bet five watts at a time to receive prizes. It's up to you to find out what the patterns are and how much you can win!

This is realy cool isn't it, I hav'nt got one yet, but I'm gonna get one. Honest.
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